Neighbourhood Reserve Consultation
Xyst implemented the Consultation and Engagement Plan developing an online survey and advertising a community drop-in session to gather the community’s aspirations for a neighbourhood playground. This was a targeted engagement approach with flyers (advertising the drop-in session and the survey via a QR code) delivered to residents living within a 10-minute walk of the […]
Matthias Smink
Working as a Landscape Architect for over 7 years, in both New Zealand and Switzerland, I have gained significant experience and expertise on a wide variety of projects including master planning, infrastructure projects, commercial, single- and multi-residential and subdivision developments, stormwater management, revegetation and naturalisation projects, public parks and reserves, at a range of scales. […]
Mangawhai Open Space and Facilities Needs Analysis
Xyst was engaged by Kaipara District Council to assess provision of open spaces and recreation facilities in Mangawhai for the next 30 years. We assessed current and future needs due to population growth. We used the PlaceChangers online tool for spatial analysis of different types of open spaces and recreation facilities. This was supplemented by […]
Kevin Collier
Kevin brings a unique and extensive mix of skills and experience to his role as Principal Sport and Recreation Consultant at Xyst. His chosen ‘career-for-life’ in the sport, recreation and events industry includes significant roles in the rebuilding of Christchurch’s sport facility infrastructure as well as playing a part in securing and hosting major sports events […]
Marty McGregor
Marty has had a varied 20-year career in the Sport and Recreation industry. He started working for Tasman Rugby in its formative years, managing and growing the community game before moving into Local Government with the Christchurch City Council in 2008. Working as a Sports Liaison Advisor, Marty worked in the response, recovery, and delivery […]
Public Toilets Strategy
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to conduct a comprehensive review of the provision of Public Toilets in the District and to formulate a strategy. As a District with substantial tourist volumes, high numbers of transiting visitors and a low-rate payer base, a well-thought-out approach was needed. The strategy needed to factor in a range […]
Community Facilities Strategy
The Community Facilities Strategy (CFS) provided direction for decision making, development and management of community facilities in the Waikato District, including tasks such as investment and divestment frameworks for Council staff. The strategy considered the following facilities: public toilets aquatics community halls community hubs and libraries sport facilities and pavilions Our team supported engagement with […]
Wingecarribee Public Toilet Strategy
Xyst undertook a performance assessment of all public toilets, including user surveys and counting at select sites. We developed categories and levels of service, undertook analysis of future needs and prepared a Public Toilet Strategy and Renewal Plan.
Public Amenities Strategy and Implementation Plan
The outcomes of this project included: • To maintain a network of safe, accessible, clean and environmentally sustainable public amenities • To improve the quality of public amenities • To ensure the provision of public amenities is cost effective and meets the needs of residents and visitors to the Region • To provide a guideline […]
Otaia/Lindsay Bush Reserve – Toilet and Carpark Replacement – TIF Application
Xyst completed eligibility checks, the project description, proposed infrastructure and funding investigations, as well as the proposed delivery programme, risks and mitigations. Central Hawkes Bay District Council were successful in receiving co-funding to the value of $184,500.
Landsdowne Trail Toilets and Wetland Stargazing Platform – TIF Application
Xyst investigated and priced the toilet and stargazing deck design and build options and pulled together the relevant co-funding application to the value of $288,750.
Taupō SuperLoo Facility and Service Review Report
Xyst investigated the history, current services, and impact of Covid-19 on usage, revenue and current operational costs. The building life and expected future capital costs were also assessed. Comparative analysis of similar facilities around the country was provided. A prediction of future tourism demand was made along with qualitative analysis provided from user commentary about […]